We “preschool” had a chance to take the kids to the mall and the indoor playground on 4th August 2022. For most of them it is the first time they ever been to the mall. They were so excited. Some of them was not feeling well yet they did not miss the chance to come with us because they did not want to miss the opportunity. They played and did role play as one of the occupations/career they wanted and after three hours they were not tired but we the teachers and volunteers was tired. haha! I am smiling while writing this update. These kids have so much energy. At the end of the trip we a gave a surprise.

We gave them a treat “KFC”.

It was a memorable day for the children. We hope to do more like this for the kids. It will allow them to “DREAM” and work hard. We here in Peluang Keriangan want to give the student a platform to learn, grown and dream. WE want to be a channel to give opportunity to be joyful in their life. There will be many more activities we want to give them partner with us and share your ideas with us.

They kids playing at play house
They are having fun climbing jumping and falling down.
Our youngest student dressed up and selling ice-cream.

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